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Starting in late April and early May, Smallmouth Bass start to migrate into the Lake Erie Tributaries and around Presque Isle Bay. Bass from three to five pounds can be caught on everything from top water flies, large streamers, tube flies, and leeches. Over the past three years we have put forth a serious amount of time pursuing both resident and lake run Smallmouth on the fly. Steelhead Alley Outfitters and our affiliated partners can be found all across the region from Erie, Pennsylvania to Ann Arbor, Michigan. If you are interested in spending a day or two chasing bass on the fly, we have you covered! Below you will find a short description of all services offered from May thru September.

Ohio and Pennsylvania Smallmouth Bass Fly Fishing Trips
With Steelhead Alley Outfitters  


Fly fishing for Smallmouth Bass has become extremely popular for anglers around the region, and it's as exciting as fly fishing gets on 5wt gear. If you are into warm weather, sight fishing, and hard fighting fish this type of trip is for you!



Float and Wade Trips Available (May-June)
Lake Erie Smallmouth Bass Trips Include:
8 Hours with a licensed professional fly fishing guide.
All rods, reels, flies, leaders, and tippet.
Stream side lunch and refreshments.
Angler(s) only required to have valid fishing license!
Half Day Trips Available!
Please Contact us 888-453-5899 or for availability.
Request a smallmouth bass trip by filling out this simple online form.

Huron River Smallmouth Bass Fly Fishing Trips
with SAO Guide Mike Schultz, owner Schultz Outfitters

The Huron River is located just minutes from Metro Detroit, and is truly a gem of a Smallmouth stream. Flowing 125 miles from its origin in Oakland County, Schultz Outfitters is the only full time guide service working the entire Huron River watershed.
Accessibility is found easily in prime fly fishing locations. This designated blue ribbon Smallmouth stream fishes well from the last Saturday in April opener to late October.  Although streamer patterns take the lion's share of fish each year, other techniques have their time and place. Nymphing, large gaudy top water bugs, and dry flies are all used to take the bronzebacks that inhabit the pools, riffles, runs, and impoundments that make up this great river. Even though the river has gained popularity over the last 10 years we'll help you find solitude between its banks. There are areas where you would swear you were up north, but you're just minutes from home.

The Huron River has something for everyone; whether it's pitching streamers into cover, fishing big bugs in the dark, or taking advantage of wonderful dry fly fishing. You owe it to yourself to spend a day or two exploring the Huron.

Float and Wade Trips Available (May-September)
Smallmouth Bass Trips Include:
8 Hours with a licensed professional fly fishing guide.
All rods, reels, flies, leaders, and tippet.
Stream side lunch and refreshments.
Angler(s) only required to have valid fishing license!
Half Day Trips Available!
Request a trip on the Huron River with Mike Schultz