SAO Pages

Monday, September 1, 2008

Holiday Fishing....No Labor Today!

For a couple of days, I have been planning to get the family out for a day of fishing, and today was as good a day as any!  All the kids, my wife and a friend all decided to hit a local farm pond after a leisure morning.  Afterall, it's a holiday.....a bit of sleeping in would be nice......

So, at a mid morning hour, we headed out with the intent of putting some numbers on the board and for some (two of my kids), they would be the first numbers of their fishing careers.  When it was all said and done, we hoped to have some fish on the stringer for a holiday fish fry....can't let the kids down on a proposition like that.  One disclaimer....though I am a fly fishing guide, the fly rods never made it out of the tubes on this day.  Way to difficult trying to keep all the kids rods rigged and in the water :)

Not long after we arrived, we started hammering some really nice bluegills and the joy of the day was to watch my youngest daughter and son catch their first fish......that is the first fish they caught without any assistance.

Here is my daughter with a really nice Bluegill....the first of several for the day.

Here is another shot of my youngest son with my friend getting ready to put the hurt on them.

Below is the shot I was hoping to get for the day.  My sons first fish of any kind.  He was so proud that after I snapped these shots, he wouldn't be quite until his mom came from the other side of the pond to see the prize.

After a long day in the sun, the fish took a siesta from the bite and we decided to go along with the idea.  Afterall, we had enough fish for the planned fish fry and quite frankly was looking forward to a nice iced beverage with some super fresh panfish on our plates.

The Days Catch with the Crew (minus my wife taking the photo)

All in all, it was a great day with lots of precious memories with the family....who knows what the future will hold for trips and stories, but I'm sure they will be just as precious, and just as awesome as today's.

Until next time, tight lines!

Patrick "Flybum" Robinson
Head Guide
Steelhead Alley Outfitters

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