SAO Pages

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

California's Sierra Nevada's - Part 2

In the last entry I spoke of the brilliant blue waters of Florence Lake, and here is a photo that shows the brilliance that those waters truly hold.  The large granite outcropping is known as Florence Rock.

Moving on in the trip, we made 5 miles the first day in the wilderness.  This would be our first planned camp and was where the trail from Florence Lake join the famed John Muir Trail that goes from Yosemite to Mt. Whitney in Kings Canyon National Park.  Our camp was at Blayney Meadows home to the famed natural hot springs and great fishing.

Below I am working on being a bug nerd.  Yes, I enjoy entomology and can be found taking a look at the world of macroinvertebrates quite often.  On this trip I found a lot of what I expected for a highly oxygenated freestoner.....lots of stoneflies in all shapes and sizes.

Here is a shot of a typical nymphal shuck that were found on rocks just about every place you looked.  I failed to get any shots of live bugs as I was to busy hiking the stream looking for fish.

The water above and below camp was strikingly different, but it was refreshing to fish such different flows.  Here is a shot of Zac overlooking a very deep run that rises to a nice lip and subsequent riffle.  In the past two trips, nice fish have been taken from this water.  As you can see, it is not the easiest water to approach due to the vertical nature of the granite on either side.  Access is limited, but that's half the challenge and fun. 

Speaking of nice fish, here John holds a very nice specimen for the South Fork of the San Joaquin.  It wasn't caught in the hole pictured above, but just up stream from where this photo was taken.  This was John's second trip to the Sierra's, so he had his eyes set on this hole and the big fish that inhabit it.

On the next entry, I will show some photos from a little further upstream where John and I did quite well on a scouting trip into water we had not yet fished.

Until next time, get out and grab some warm water species before the cold weather and Steelhead take over.

Tight Lines,

Patrick "Flybum" Robinson
Head Guide
Steelhead Alley Outfitters

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