SAO Pages

Friday, March 20, 2015

Another Steelhead Season Underway!

This is the sight on many streams currently...with varying levels of clarity!  Streams have been improving over the last couple days and many are starting to clear up and fish well as of today, so get out there while the getting is good!

The Vermilion, Rocky, Chagrin, Grand tribs, Ashtabula, Conneaut and Elk are all either fishing or just starting.  Expect flows to still hold some sediment from the snow melt that is still happening and choose your fly patterns and presentations accordingly.

If you need to get a guide on the books, don't wait!  The phone is ringing off the hook and dates are going fast!  Call us at 1-888-453-5899 or email us at

The Ashtabula has been dialing in nicely!  Hoping for a good run this spring!
Don't forget that the pressure on the water will be less than desirable this weekend.  That means that this is a perfect opportunity to remember what stream etiquette is all about.  Remember...although you may not realize it, you could be the only teacher of proper stream etiquette some people ever see!  Make all your opportunities count this weekend be it setting the hook on a fish or teaching those around you the finer aspects of the sport!

The Elk is looking good today and although considered more of a fall fishery,
it shouldn't be overlooked when it comes to early spring fish!
A gorgeous spring fish....many more of these to come!

All the best out there this spring!

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