SAO Pages

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Another Successful Alaskan Experience!

If I had to describe this years trip to Alaska, I would have to say it was awesome! We hosted 20 angler's into camp again this year, with many of them experiencing Alaska for the first time! Everything from Rainbow Trout, Grayling, Char/Dollies, Lake Trout, Sockeye, and Silver Salmon were brought to hand over the course of the week.

The guys flew out to several world class destinations while the boat trips across the lake to the Brooks River and other creeks that offered up outstanding fishing as usual. Combine the good fishing with the Alaskan scenery, bear sightings, and river side accommodations, and you were hard pressed to ask for anything more...

A special thank you to all of the angler's who traveled with us, and to the Johnson family & staff at Naknek River Camp for another great trip! We have already taken several bookings for our return to Alaska in 2012. The dates will be August 18th thru the 25th. If you are interested in experiencing Alaska, we would love to have you along with us! Alaska RSVP's can be placed by contacting us at 888-453-5899 or email us at 

In local news: Two fly tying classes offered at Chagrin River Outfitters on Saturday September 10th. This will be an all day event, so stop by and get ready for the returning fall Lake Erie Steelhead run.

Here are just a few pictures from our trip to Alaska, there were so many nice fish pictures and everyone was so successful that it is extremely hard to get them all up online! 

Looking back at our cabins from the Naknek River.

Camp life was about fishing, eating, and sleeping!

The guys enjoying an evening of bear snorkling from their cabin deck.

Mike Sowers with a healthy Naknek River Rainbow.

Dave Thatcher poses with a solid Arctic Char.

Patrick Campbell with a trophy Grayling from a small 
creek that we will leave nameless for now!

Jim Lewis with a Naknek River Sockeye Salmon.
Bill lewis and Guide Steve Martinez pose with a Naknek River Rainbow.

John Staranko and Mike Komarny strike a
pose on a recent fly out to the land of huge Char.

Bernard Staranko with a solid Naknek Rainbow.

Mike Komarny poses with a 30 inch pig of a Char.
Barry Kovach with a Sockeye.  They are a necessary evil to many who
fish for the Rainbows and Arctic Char, but they are fighters none the less.
Josh Stephens and Guide Alex Sundquist
pose with a small creek Arctic Char.

Hiking the Alaskan tundra on a recent fly out.
Joel Bock and friend Barry, pose with
Alex and a hefty Arctic Char.
A close up of a typical Dolly/Char caught on the trip.
Mike, Pat, and Patrick Robinson with an Arctic Char triple.

Joe Borter and Wayne McGee with a small creek double.

Ham Biggar poses with his first
Silver Salmon on hallowed grounds south of camp.

Mike Schmidt and Greg Senyo double down on very
nice Arctic Char.  Way to go boys!
Ready for take off on a recent fly out.
Lake trout on a swung fly? Yeah Buddy!
Mark Rushnak and Guide Kyle Hartman
with a monster Naknek River Rainbow.

Joel having fun on the ride up stream.
I said Joel was having fun!
Mike Schmidt poses with a beautiful Char.

Greg Senyo with a solid Brooks River Rainbow.

Patrick Robinson with a solid Silver Salmon.

For the guys on the trip we will have photo books and videos completed as quickly as possible, please get your order forms in ASAP, so we know how many we will need! If you have any questions regarding the book or video please contact Patrick Robinson at 

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