SAO Pages

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Early Season Sweets!

Each season we get to fish with clients who are new to the steelhead game or with clients who are new altogether to the fly fishing game. Well, late this week, I had the opportunity at both.

The first two clients were new to steelheading and one of the two had only been fishing on the fly for a couple months. The day got started early as many do and it wasn't long before we had fish on. Mamie was stoked to hold that first piece of steel.

Mamie holds a healthy hen for her first Steelhead!

It wasn't very long after that first fish, that these first timers had me runnin' and gunnin'. I was up one way and then down the other. I had one fish in the net and was wondering how I might get the other in as well. I quickly took the head of the big hen already in the net and spun her around so she was pointing at me. I had a brand new net in hand that I am field testing and this would be a perfect test for a wood net! (The net can be seen in the photo below) Well, that net did just fine as I took a stab at fish number two and came up with a total net weight of something like 17-18 pounds of fish in the bag.

A double shot was the order of the morning, and I'm
not talking about espresso! Check out Fisknats new
Steelhead net. It is a stellar piece of craftsmanship!

After the dawn of the day, the fishing got a bit tougher, but Kelly was up to the challenge. Just two months or so into the sport of fishing on the fly, Kelly wasn't about to give up easily and his stick with it attitude kept him in the game!

Kelly hold onto a nice fish with SAO guide Patrick Robinson

Another nice shot of a fine speciman!

Mamie wasn't about to stand back and be out-fished, so she stepped up her game and continued bringing fish to hand. She did quite well for the day and as many ladies, out-fished her man. That's alright's better that way anyhow!

Mamie with a big slab of fresh chrome and a smile to match!

The next day, I was with two rank beginners. Harvey and Mike are fairly local, but have never fished on the fly before. As you can imagine, there was a lot of ground to cover. I had to teach them the basics of casting, the basic nature of the Steelhead, how to present the flies, how to fight a fish.....etc, etc, etc. There was a lot to be learned on this day, and willing learners they were.

Harvey poses with the first fish of the day. Oh and yes, that is
a bluetooth earpiece in his ear. We jokingly called him
the hightech redneck! But Harvey loved to fish!

Not long after the start, fish were being hooked and lines were being broke as the lessons we all had to learn were underway. However, they can't all get away and this was one such fish.

Harvey smiling big with a fish that to him was as big as life!

Mike was a bit slow in getting the fish to the net. I could feel his pain as mishap after mishap brought back the memories of my own learning curve. I could watch the excitement on his face when he would hook up and also watch it drain from his face as a huge slab of chrome would take that run of no return. Nevertheless, it was fun, and a learning experience. I think Mike said something like this at the end of the day. "Oh yeah, I had fun! I learned a lot about what to do....but I might have learned more about what not to do!" As you can imagine, that brought a smile to all of our faces as we could all understand those words! Congrats Mike on sticking with it and getting your well deserved fish!

Mike poses with his first piece of Steelhead Alley
chrome. Congrats on a great fish Mike!

Keep your eyes on the blog as many new posts, photos, and videos are sure to come in the next couple of months.

Until then get out and keep your lines tight!

Patrick "Flybum" Robinson
Head Guide
Steelhead Alley Outfitters

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