SAO Pages

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mixing it up a little bit....

Recent rains have brought most of our area rivers to a muddy mess! The guys have been out scouting pretty heavy the past two weeks and finding a few fish here and there. I am sure this rain will push fish into some of the local tributaries, and steelhead fever will turn the lower rivers into a angler infested battlefield! Remember it is still very early in the season and most fish will not reach the upper stretches yet. We will have warm days still to come and the rivers are already dropping, so take some care if you plan on releasing your catches.... Good luck to all and have a great fall steelhead season on the Alley! We only have one spot left to fill for our Steelhead School with Jim Lampros and Orvis Cleveland! If you are interested in attending or would like to be added to our mailer for future Steelhead School Dates, please visit the Fly Fishing Schools page at the top of this blog. Also, Orvis Days will be kicking off starting next month and your local area Orvis Stores will have a lot of great seminars and speakers on hand to provide you with a ton of great information, tips, and tactics for Lake Erie Steelhead! Our guiding schedule is filling extremely fast! We would love to spend a few days on the river with you this fall! If you are interested in catching fall Lake Erie Steelhead on the fly, please don't hesitate to request your dates early! Call us at 888-453-5899 or email us at For more information on our services and specific trips please view the pages at the top of this site! We hope to see you this fall!
Early fall steelhead that hammered an Emerald Shiner
imitation during a recent scout trip! SAO Guide Tim Hess with a bruiser Lake
Erie Steelhead from a recent outing. If you are interested in the latest steelhead streamers and guide flies, please check out our free step by step fly tying blog at over 50 patterns available to the avid fly tyer from area local guides and fly designers....
John Miller is still doing very well over on the West Branch of the Delaware River! Streamer fishing is at its best and some really big brown trout are on the hunt! John will be available through the rest of September and into the first week of October, so if big Browns on big flies is up your alley give him a shout over at Here are a few of John's recent Trout trip photos...
Conner holds a huge Delaware River Brown
Trout he busted with Guide John Miller.
Orvis Cleveland Fly Fishing Manager, Jim Lampros, casting
streamers for big Delaware River Brown Trout!
West Branch Brown Trout that smacked a large streamer!
John Miller's Delaware stealth drifter on the "D".
John Miller poses with a nice streamer caught Brown Trout!
As you can tell the guys have been out and about this summer, and the local fishing is just starting to get good! Here are a few more pictures from SAO's Joel Bock and Jason Gregory's hosted trip to King Salmon, Alaska! We currently only have 3 spots left open for our annual return to Alaska in 2011! If you are considering a trip to Alaska we would love to have you as a part of our group! Please visit our hosted trips page at the top of this blog for more information...
Naknek River Camp guide James "Little Jim" Johnson
displays one of Jack's Arctic Char from Margot Creek!
A fresh Chrome Slab of Naknek River Silver Salmon!
As You Tube's famous Double Rainbow Guy would say
" Oh My God, Oh My God, Oh My God! It's a double rainbow! LOL!!!
James holds a nice Brooks River Rainbow Trout!
Another nice Arctic Char from Margot Creek, AK...
Some of the crew takes a break for a quick
photo at the famous Brooks Falls!
Double Pink Salmon on the Naknek River!
A recently released Sockeye!
Lake Erie Steelhead are literally right around the corner! We hope everyone has a great season, and you can expect to see and hear a lot more from us in the very near future...
Tight Lines!
Greg Senyo
Steelhead Alley Outfitters

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