SAO Pages

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Few Good Trout, A Couple of Bass, And Yes More Rain!

Well it looks like another week of rain is going to roll through the region, holding true to the trendy wet spring that we really could have used 2 months ago... Even with the wet spring alot of area streams will quickly recede to low water levels and fish able conditions. The Elk has quite a few Small Mouth right now, and this added flow and color will actually help the fishing. Large bright colored fly patterns such as the yellow Swimmy Jimmy stripped through the pools on the end of a sinking tip line can make for some exciting strikes. Large sculpins with rattles tied in are also extremely effective.

SAO/WBA Guides John Miller and Scott McClintock have been doing very well over on the Delaware River. The flows had been extremely low this spring, but as of today the the river got a small release of cold water. It's nice to see NYC place a "one flush policy" on all its big city residents to afford alittle water for the businesses and people along the West Branch who really need it. Hey NYC river master both reservoirs are full? What in the heck are you waiting for? Once again city government and shady politics are threatening a gem of a natural resource... Sound familiar? We live in a nation that has the ability to put people on the moon, but we can't find anyone responsible enough to cap a broken oil line in the gulf or open a spill way on the finest resource in the east...Go Figure? Despite river conditions our friends over at the West Branch Angler( have been able to do well in the mornings and evenings when river temps were favorable to fishing... Here are a few pics...

Guide Scott McClintock on the Main Stem of the "D".

A sweet looking Delaware River Brown Trout.

Another good brown trout.

Guide John Miller holds a fine Delaware River specimen caught by one of his clients.

Between traveling, seminars, lessons, trips, work, and family I have had very little personal fishing time over the past month. I did have a chance to tie up a few new flies and hit a few of my favorite Large Mouth Bass ponds and lakes between responsibilities. Things are looking great and I will be heading to Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho over the next couple of months.

Galloup's famous Swimmy Jimmy tied with Senyo's Laser Dubbing in a rainbow trout version for Small Mouth Bass, and a Sunfish Version for large mouth bass.

Large Mouth Bass on the sun fish version Swimmy Jimmy.

It was nice to get a few hours away.

Another fat Large Mouth on the Swimmy Jimmy
We'll have more for you later!
Greg Senyo
Steelhead Alley Outfitters

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