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Friday, April 9, 2010

Crazy Weather, Crazy Fish, Our Life

Well, today was what you can only be called true steelhead weather. A couple days ago we had high blue skies and temperatures in the 70's and 80's. Today was an all together different story!!! I awoke plenty early, checked the stream gauges, and prepared to hit the streams one more time. However, one last thing needed to be checked....the weather. I saw the current temps in the mid thirties and a forecast for snow and thought to myself...ARE YOU SERIOUS? We needed the rain, we needed the cold weather to prolong the season, but snow in April? Something just isn't right about that....especially after several days of temps in the 80's. Well, whatever the weather forecast, I had clients lined up and planning for my arrival in a little over an off I went. We knew that the day would be challenging on the eastern end of the alley due to water levels rising and falling, and more so because of how fish can and will react to these kind of fronts! Nevertheless, we are fisherman and that means we go fishing right? Well, you be the judge....
Butch with a Buck on the Day
Jim had a good day and this colored
buck was a part of it
Butch with a nice hen on the day
Butch with a bruiser hen carrying eggs
Adam smacks a nice fish to start the day.
Joe with a nice and aggressive dropback hen.
One thing we have been seeing a whole lot of lately are early Smallmouth Bass. With the early warm temps in the region, we have already been dealing with water temps in the mid 60's which has brought in a good number of early season Smallmouth. If you are interested in some world class Smallmouth action, we are booking trips for May and June. Call us at 888-453-5899 or email us at
Adam with a very nice Smallmouth early in the season.
We had a great group of clients on a number of streams today, and for some, it was there first time steelheading. Such was the case for this father and son trio in from North Carolina. The weather was a bit colder than they were used to, but they stayed with the game all day and it paid off.
Caleb with the first Steelhead of his career.
Late in the day, Kim managed to nail a nice, bright hen that was just starting to drop her eggs. She was a welcome piece of shiny silver coming out of the depths of a dark hole!
Kim poses with his boys after catching his first
Steelhead....and a trophy at that!
This monster hen was a blessing at the end of the day!
We are continuing to fish every day with multiple guides on the water every day with clients. If you want to get out, we have limited availability, but will do everything we can to get you out.
Keep the lines in the water....and you can bet that ours will be!
Patrick "Flybum" Robinson
Head Guide
Steelhead Alley Outfitters

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