SAO Pages

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Heading East to the Land of Trout...Big Trout!

The Delaware watershed is one of those rivers that many people wish they had the chance to fish. I for one happen to be one of "those" people who have wished for the opportunity....more on my wishing later.

One thing is for certain, the Delaware is a precious resource in the eastern part of our country and many sizable, colorful, bug loving trout call it home. For our friend and fellow guide, John Miller, it is his summer home. Perched on the river bank every day, John gets to watch the sun rise and the sun set on this eastern jewel.

The Delaware with a Brazen Horizon.

Daily, John heads to the shop, meets his clients and off to the river they head with the drift boat in tow. His hopes of tight loops and precision casting are sometimes challenged as they are for every guide, but on certain days, his hopes become reality. When the fish is spotted, John gives instruction, and the casts ensue. With the utmost beauty, the tight loops deliver the size 18-22 dries to the location of a hungry fish and with the raise of the rod, fresh butter is served up to both men and women alike.

A Client Smiles the Smile of an "I Did It" Moment.

Another Beautiful Brown

Sometimes the fish come early, sometimes they come late, sometimes on clear high blue sky kind of days, and others on the overcast BWO kind of days.

Here below it was a beautiful fish and big grin that made the day.

A Happy Client

A Late Day Trophy Poses

A Nice Fish on a Beautiful River Day.

Yet Another Fine Butter Belly From Recent Days.

As I have said before, whenever John isn't with clients, he is typically doing one of a few things. First and foremost is fishing and the other is photography. Below, you see one of the Delaware's finest up close and personal. Another fine shot by John Miller.

An Up Close and Personal Look at Brown Trout Bliss.

Aside from being a good guide, John is a great fly fisher. He has the experience that many wish they had and if you fish with him for long, you will see it. Don't worry, we keep him humble with the occasional beating.....ha. In reality, it is guys like John that we like to have as a part of the SAO family....John is top of his game wherever he is and we can appreciate the excellence in which he works.

John the Trout Hunter

As I said previously, John is a photog....and a good one at that. Check out these action shots of a feeding Brown that he captured on the Delaware.

Oh Yeah, I See You Little Guy....

This is What We Like To Call "Snout Soup!"

This blog entry has got me totally pumped up because in just a matter of days, the SAO staff will be spending a number of days out on the Delaware busting some trophies of their own and shooting film to boot.

We are looking forward to some rest & relaxation around the camp and some screaming reels while on the river! We will give a full report on our trip when we get back. In time, when I get caught up with my back log of footage, I will get the video edited and show you all what kind of fun we really had.

In closing, I would like to do something that we don't often do and that is to dedicate this post. Just days ago, John Miller's father passed away from a sudden heart attack. His memory will live on in the hearts and minds of those who knew him. From all the family at Steelhead Alley Outfitters, our prayers and thoughts go out to the Miller family!

Until next time, keep those lines tight and take every moment you have available to fish and spend time with those you love!

Patrick "Flybum" Robinson
Head Guide
Steelhead Alley Outfitters

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