SAO Pages

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Steelhead Alley Report

We finally got a small dose of much needed precipitation on the Alley yesterday! Jim At folly's End fly shop said Elk creek had rose nearly two feet on the wall below the shop and the river was muddy as of noon today, but should fish well tomorrow. SAO steelhead guide Tim Hess reported that lower Elk had similar conditions and would fish good through the weekend. The usual fly patterns such as sucker spawns, nymphs, and Emerald Shiner style streamers will produce.

Greg Senyo with a rare Chinook Salmon from an Ohio tributary.

The Eastern Ohio tributaries were less fortunate with the amount of rain received. The rivers did not rise as much as the PA tribs, but did get a little bit of color and stain that will most likely not last long. Ohio will need a serious rain to bring the rivers up to decent and good fish able levels. Despite the poor conditions small concentrations of fish are in the rivers, and stripping streamers( Olive woolly buggers, sculpins, emerald shiner imitations) on a long leader have been best producers. Hiking to find pods of unmolested fish is your best bet. Some of the Western Ohio tribs are up and muddy but should be fish able shortly and see a fair number of fresh fish in the system now. Its nice to actually have some flow to some of the streams for once.

A small Fall Ohio steelhead caught during low water conditions..

Pray for more rain out east and high water conditions to bring in the mother load and to spread fish through out our river systems, Will Turek is on the river today and tomorrow so we will keep you updated ..

Greg Senyo

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