SAO Pages

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Find Solitude This Fall

October has arrived and brought with it many outdoor activities. I for one, live to hunt archery, upland birds and fish the cooler days of fall. While my love for the deer woods keeps me there quite often, many times fishing is a better option.

My mentality seems to be the norm for PA. Once fall hits, most people hang up the regular rod in favor of BIG bucks, their bird dogs and Steelhead. What many people miss are the days of absolute solitude and second rounds of stockings by the fish commission.

One stream that comes to mind is absolutely loaded by the state this time of year. I wont mention names as it really cannot handle heavy pressure. Rest assured though, a trip mid October could be very rewarding. High numbers of brook trout. browns and even tiger trout can be had for those willing to step out of hunting/steelhead mode. 

I look at this time as my trial phase. A time during the year when fish become aggressive before breeding, this is when I put my new patterns up to fail or live another day.

Don't overlook whats right out the back door. Fishing season in reality has just hit its new year. My best days of trout fishing for the year are yet to come. While you may throw size 26 flies regularly, the fish are not near as picky. A little slow, but not picky.

We all love to fish for steelies. I don't think much can match that excitement. But some days on the local trout streams this time of year couldn't be traded for long drives and seemingly endless crowds.

Good luck this fall on the streams, in the deer woods, with your dogs and most importantly share your time with your children. They grow up in the blink of an eye and we all need a buddy to be by our sides in all of our endeavors.


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